

When you join the Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association (ABDNHA), you join a community of people who appreciate and enjoy all that Borrego Springs and the Anza-Borrego Desert has to offer. 

ABDNHA members value education for all age groups, value the environment, and understand the need to spread the word about the Anza-Borrego desert, along with its unique culture and history.

Some of our members live in the desert full time. Many visit seasonally or when they can. Others live in distant locations and visit rarely.  In all cases, ABDNHA is their connection with the Anza-Borrego desert, and the desert is a part of their life. 

ABDNHA is a 501c3 independent non-profit educational organization that was created in 1971.  ABDNHA is not affiliated with any other organization.  Donations are tax-deductible.


  • Discounts on all of ABDNHA’s programs, tours and hikes.
  • A subscription to the bimonthly newsletter, The Sand Paper – published 5 times a year, Fall to Summer, with articles of interest to those who enjoy the desert. Includes our calendar of events and activities.
  • Free Admission to the Annual Desert Lecture Series: – Typically held in November, January, February, March, and April.
  • 15% Discount on most purchases at the Borrego Desert Nature Center – Includes books, maps, and desert merchandise.
  • Volunteer Opportunities – Everything that ABDNHA does is made possible by our community of volunteers.  Volunteering with ABDNHA is a great way to use your skills and meet other people who enjoy Borrego Springs as you do.
  • Special Events for Members Only – Our members-only tours are always winners.

Membership Levels

 We welcome new members at the contribution level you choose.  

  • Basic $35
  • Supporting $50
  • Contributor $100
  • Patron $250
  • Business $500
  • Donor $500
  • Sustaining $1,000
  • Life $2,000

Photo buttons that go to separate pages:

  • Join (or Join ABDNHA) – online application & payment, benefits (could include business membership)
  • Renew (Renew Membership) – online payment (could include business membership)
  • Become an ABDNHA Business Member – online application & payment, benefits (could be part of Join)
  • Renew Business Membership – online payment (could be part of Renew)
  • Volunteer (or Volunteer at ABDNHA) – current volunteer needs, online application
  • Donate – one-time, recurring, Desert Guardians, online payment